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Clémence Organics 护肤系列具有超强的适应性,应适合您的皮肤、气候和年龄。以下是我们的重要提示,可帮助您实现最佳效果。
1. 并不总是需要早晚清洁。
2. 不洁面时,只需用冷水或温水泼脸即可。
随后喷洒我们的任一爽肤水。如果您同时拥有 Clémence Organics 爽肤水,我们建议您在早上使用Ultimate Biome Spritz来抵御日晒雨淋,并在晚上使用Tone + Hydrate Spritz来滋养肌肤。
爽肤后,使用我们的修复面部精华液、 Protect + Clarify 日常面部乳液或终极面部霜进行保湿。
我们的修复面部精华液、 Protect + Clarify 日常面部乳液和终极面部霜都是强效保湿霜。
因此,如果您的皮肤不干燥或室外温度为 40 度,请勿使用超过 1 种产品。
4. 我们的产品非常有效——少即是多。
(参见下图,了解我们的精致洁面乳、二合一面部去角质+面膜、修复面部精华液和终极面霜的用量示例 - 从顶部顺时针方向)。
有任何护肤疑问吗?我们随时为您提供帮助!请发送电子邮件至sales@clemenceorganics.com ,我们会尽快回复您。
通过Facebook 、 Instagram或直接发送电子邮件给我们sales@clemenceorganics.com分享您的 Clémence 护肤时刻,就有机会赢取每月奖品
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Perimenopause. It’s something I didn’t expect myself to be talking about, yet here I am at the ripe old/young age of 43. It actually started at 42 but I was in denial for a while. Telling myself things like “I’m too young”. “My mum didn’t go through menopause until 50 and so I don’t need to worry about anything until then”. But that’s menopause, not perimenopause. No one talks about perimenopause.
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具体方法如下:第 1 步 - “春季清洁”您的护肤品
检查一下你的美容柜,扔掉过去 12 个月没有使用过的东西或者任何不起作用的东西。
%月 %日, %年
I really love our eye creme, especially after a sleep-less night. As I enter my 40s I have found that it is now an essential part of my skincare regime and I love what it does for my eyes.
If you are new to eye creams, you may be wondering whether or not you need one and whether it will help you. Well, I’m here to answer your queries and give you all the info you need on eye creams. Here’s just a few of the questions we’ve received lately and our feedback.