Australia’s only Naturopathically Formulated and Certified Organic Skincare


$100.00 $114.96

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我们的“迷你”脸部必备套装就在这里!包含所有您喜爱的 Clémence 护肤产品,尺寸超可爱。装在限量版礼盒中,非常适合旅行和送礼。该包包含:

  • 精致洁面乳 30ml
  • 爽肤+保湿喷雾 30ml
  • 修复面部精华液 15ml
  • 终极脸型奶油 15ml

包含所有您喜爱的 Clémence 护肤产品,尺寸超可爱。装在限量版礼盒中,非常适合旅行和送礼。该包包含:


爽肤水 + 保湿喷雾
有机玫瑰水是一种简单但高效的多用途纯露。它可以平衡 pH 值,并为肌肤进一步补水做好最佳准备。其抗炎成分可舒缓皮肤刺激和发红,并减少浮肿。它能迅速恢复干燥的皮肤,使其成为旅行和海滩的完美伴侣。




精炼洁面乳芦荟叶汁*、油茶籽油*、向日葵油*、甘油*、鲸蜡硬脂醇、arctostaphylos uva ursi(熊果)叶提取物*、olea europaea(橄榄)果油*、鲸蜡硬脂基葡糖苷、橄榄酸鲸蜡硬脂酯、山梨糖醇酐酯、甜橙油*、酸橙油*、天竺葵油*、广藿香油*、依兰依兰)花油*,罗莎大马士革米勒(玫瑰奥托)油*,辛酸甘油酯,乙酰丙酸钠,茴香酸钠,植酸,膨润土,黄原胶,阿拉伯胶,*认证有机成分(87.06%认证有机成分,100%天然成分)

TONE + HYDRATE SPRITZ超级玫瑰纯露(保加利亚)* *有机认证成分(95% 认证有机成分,100% 天然成分)

修复面部精华液玫瑰果籽油*、向日葵油*、金盏花提取物*、荷荷巴油*、大马士革玫瑰油*、柑橘 (甜橙)油*、酸橙油*、天竺葵油*、广藿香油*、依兰花油*、迷迭香油*、d- α-生育酚(维生素E)*认证有机成分(96.64%认证有机成分,100%天然成分)

ULTIMATE FACE CREME芦荟叶汁*、玫瑰果初榨油*、杏仁油*、向日葵油*、荷荷巴油*、乳木果油(乳木果油)*、甘油*、橄榄酸鲸蜡硬脂酯、蜂蜡*、澳洲坚果籽油*、脱水山梨醇橄榄酸酯、金盏花提取物*、rosa damascena.miller(玫瑰奥托)油*、cocos nucifera(椰子)油*、透明质酸、黄原胶、膨润土、辛酸甘油酯、乙酰丙酸钠、茴香酸钠、植酸*有机认证成分(84.35%认证有机成分、100%天然成分)


储存于低于 30°C



  • 澳大利亚境内所有订单金额低于 100 美元的标准邮寄运费为 10 美元,澳大利亚境内所有订单的特快专递运费为 15 美元。
  • 所有订单金额超过 100 美元免运费。
  • 澳洲邮政发货。
  • 下单后 1-3 个工作日内发货,但是,如果下午 2 点之前下单,大多数订单都会在当天发货。


  • 新西兰境内所有 100 美元以下的订单的标准邮寄运费为 18 美元。
  • 所有订单金额超过 100 美元免运费。
  • 澳大利亚邮政快递国际递送。
  • 下单后 1-3 个工作日内发货,但是,如果下午 2 点之前下单,大多数订单都会在当天发货。


  • 所有国际订单的标准运费为 35 美元。
  • 所有超过 250 美元的订单均可免运费。
  • 澳大利亚邮政快递国际递送。
  • 下单后 1-3 个工作日内发货,但是,如果下午 2 点之前下单,大多数订单都会在当天发货。



  • 货物已开具发票但未提供。
  • 供给不正确。
  • 有缺陷的产品(该产品不得因跌落或不当处理而造成物理损坏)或您对产品有反应(可能需要照片证据)。


  • 产品必须未开封且处于原始状态。
  • 产品必须在原始收到货物后 7 天内退回。
  • 您的购买证明/订单信息也必须包含在退货中。
  • 收到退回的产品后,我们将尽快按照您最初为订单付款的方式处理退款。

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Lovely set

Bought two so far and will definitely buy again – perfect gift or travel set.

Thank you for leaving such a lovely review for our 'Mini' Face Essentials set. We're thrilled to hear that you've already purchased two and that you're planning to buy more in the future. It's great to know that our set makes for a perfect gift or travel companion. We appreciate your support and hope you continue to enjoy our products. Have a wonderful day!
x The Clemence Team

Sonia W.
Mini face essentials

I travel often and the minis are perfect to take with me so I can continue with my facial routine

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this lovley review Sonia.
The size is certainly great to take with you. They even fit in a handbag.

X Clémence Organics Team

Stephanie G.
I'm just so impressed!

I stated using your products at the end of last year after having my second baby. I am currently 4 months postpartum and I am so shocked at how amazing my skin is looking! I was starting to develop lots of fine lines and wrinkles and my skin just looked so dull. Even though I am exhausted looking after 2 kids my skin tells a different story. I’m just so impressed! I was using another natural Australian made product but it just wasn’t delivering and honestly I don’t as starting to think that natural products don’t work as well as the chemicals but you’ve proven me wrong! I never send emails like this but felt compelled based on the results I’m getting so thank you!

We are so grateful for your kind words and are thrilled to hear that our 'Mini' Face Essentials have helped improve your skin after having your second baby. We understand how tiring it can be taking care of little ones, but your skin is definitely telling a different story. We're so glad that our natural Australian made products have proven to be effective for you and have changed your perception about natural skincare. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us, it means a lot. Keep glowing!
x The Clémence Team

Mary T.
Luxurious Gift

These gift packs are ideal for special friends and relatives. They are just the right size for travelling or to introduce people to these beautiful products. A great way to spoil anyone.

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for our 'Mini' Face Essentials gift pack. We are so happy to hear that you find it to be a luxurious gift for your loved ones. We designed these packs specifically with travel and gifting in mind, so we're thrilled that they have met your expectations. Thank you for choosing our products to spoil your friends and relatives. Have a wonderful day!

x The Clémence Team

A perfect Christmas gift

Very happy to spread the love of your products as gifts this Christmas.
A perfect gift for the holiday season!

Hi Carol,

We couldn't agree more, what a great gift to give someone ❤️

x The Clémence Team
