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由 Naturopath Bridget Carmady 配制,毫不妥协地增强美丽和健康:
向日葵油*、椰子油*、蜂蜡*、荷荷巴油*、可可油*、玫瑰果籽油*、乳木果油)*、rosa damascena.miller(玫瑰奥托)油*、金盏花提取物*、母菊(洋甘菊)提取物*、月见草(月见草)油*、柑橘佛手柑(佛手柑)果油*、薰衣草(薰衣草)油*、d-α-生育酚(天然维生素E)*有机认证成分(98.52%有机认证成分,100%天然成分)
储存于低于 30°C
莉莉向我们发送了这些令人难以置信的乳腺癌术后放射治疗前后皮肤照片。莉莉说:“非常感谢我的阿姨做了这么多研究,还给我买了 Clemence SOS 润肤膏。它绝对拯救了我的皮肤。甚至还没有轻微的变色。”
雷克斯 (Rex) 是一名来自黄金海岸的 16 岁赛艇运动员,他因这项运动而出现水泡、皮肤干裂等症状。 Rex 使用我们的 SOS Balm 仅 5 天就改善了他的皮肤,结果令人惊叹!不再有血泡和疼痛。
艾莉森说:“我订购了你们的 Ultimate SOS 润肤膏来帮助我女儿脸上的湿疹。我也为我儿子找到了用处!我儿子的前臂因表带而生了严重的疮。起初他不愿意让我在他的皮肤上涂抹任何东西,但现在他也能看到快速的改善,我想我们一家人会一次又一次地使用终极 SOS 膏。 。 。谢谢你克莱门斯!”
“嗨,布里奇特,过去一周我每天都会多次使用 sos 霜来治疗我的冻疮。霜非常好,舒缓和治愈。它取得了很大的进步,比我在山里生活的二十年来尝试过的任何事情都要好。下周我会让你知道情况如何。亲切的问候,玛丽”
Was recommended this product to use on my skin during and after radiation treatment (breast cancer). It worked for my friend and it sure did work for me too. The radiotherapy technicians, nurses and 2 oncology physiotherapists all commented on how great my skin was handling the treatment. Particularly as I have very sensitive skin, prone to rashes and redness. I used this balm twice a day throughout therapy and the only area I’ve had a problem was under my arm where I thought the beam wasn’t going (TIP - please get the technicians to show you exactly where the treatment area is). This product only contains pure organic products, with no fillers. It is worth every cent and a little bit spreads a long way.
We are so happy to hear that the SOS Balm helped your skin on your cancer journey Katherine ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing this with us and we hope you are on your way to recovery.
Much love,
The Clémence Team
Great product, quick postage
Thank you for your lovely review Anne ❤️
x The Clémence Team
The SOS balm is a great tonic for dry and stressed hands - it was exactly what I needed...and as it turns out, so did my husband! Thanks Clemence!
Thnak you Jo for your lovely 5 star review.
We are so happy to hear how much not only you but your husbands hands love the SOS balm 🙌
x The Clémence Team
I received this product as a sample a while back and ended up purchasing the full size. I love it! I had terribly dry hands in winter where they would crack until they bleed.. one month after using this product on my hands every night, and they are completely healed, nourished and back to normal. Will be repurchasing.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review for our Ultimate SOS Balm Emily. We are thrilled to hear that it has helped heal and nourish your dry hands during the winter months 🙌
x The Clémence Team
Best products I have ever purchased
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