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Free アルティメットリップス with every purchase ❤️
Free Gift: 1 x アルティメットリップス
$24.99 AUD
Helianthus annuus (ヒマワリ) 油*、cocos nucifera (ココナッツ) 油*、ミツロウ*、simmondsia chinensis (ホホバ) 油*、テオブラマ カカオ (ココアバター)*、rosa canina (ローズヒップ) 種子油*、butyrospermum parkii (シアバター) )*、ローザ・ダマセナ・ミラー(ローズ・オット)油*、カレンデュラ・オフィシナリス(キンセンカ)エキス*、マトリカリア・カモミラ(カモミール)エキス*、マツヨイグサ(月見草)油*、シトラス・ベルガミア(ベルガモット)果実油*、ラベンダー・アングスティフォリア(ラベンダー)油*、d-α-トコフェロール(天然ビタミンe)*オーガニック認証成分(オーガニック認証成分98.52%、天然成分100%)
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リリーは、乳がんの術後に放射線治療を受けている間の、肌の驚くべき前後の写真を私たちに送ってくれました。リリーは「たくさん調べてクレマンス SOS バームを買ってくれた叔母にとても感謝しています。これで私の肌は本当に救われています。まだわずかな変色もありません。」
レックスはゴールドコースト出身の 16 歳のボート選手で、スポーツの影響で水ぶくれやひび割れた乾燥肌に悩まされていました。レックスは肌を改善するために当社の SOS バームをわずか 5 日間使用しましたが、その結果は驚くべきものでした。血まみれの水ぶくれや痛みはもうありません。
アリソンはこう言います。「娘たちの顔の湿疹を治すために、究極の SOS バームを注文しました。息子にも使い道を見つけました!息子の前腕に時計のバンドによるひどい痛みがありました。最初は私が肌に何かを塗ることに彼は抵抗がありましたが、今では彼も急速な改善が見られるので、私たち家族はアルティメット SOS バームを何度も何度も使うことになると思います。 。 。ありがとうクレマンス!」
「やあ、ブリジット、私はここ一週間、しもやけに1日に数回sosクリームを塗っています。クリームはとても良く、気持ちを落ち着かせ、癒してくれます。それは私が山で暮らしている間にこれまで 20 年間試したものよりも素晴らしい進歩を遂げました。来週の様子をお知らせします。よろしく、メアリー」
I wanted to let you know l gifted a dear friend your SOS Balm, which I
thought might be helpful with her skin problem….the result of treatment for
cancer. She went to Peter McCallum without makeup to let them see how bad it had
become. They were shocked & recommended a pharmaceutical creme to help,
without any success. Next time she went to P. McC she had been using the SOS balm with wonderful results. She went without makeup again & they were amazed & delighted!!!! She is so grateful for my gift & your wonderful product!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your friend's experience with our Ultimate SOS Balm. We are thrilled to hear that it has been helpful in improving her skin condition, especially after trying other products without success. It means a lot to us that our product has made a positive impact on your friend's life. Thank you for choosing our brand and for spreading the word about our amazing balm. We truly appreciate it!
x The Clémence Team
Being an older lady and a keen gardener which means I am outside a lot, I use it on the back of my hands, my elbows, even my face and of course my lips .... I haven't had this much success with a product for my skin in a long time.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a glowing review for our Ultimate SOS Balm. We are thrilled to hear that it has been a successful product for your skin, especially with your active lifestyle as a gardener. We're happy to hear that it's been useful for multiple areas of your body, including your lips. We truly appreciate your support and hope that our balm continues to be a staple in your skincare routine. Thank you again for your kind words!
x The Clemence Team
Was recommended this product to use on my skin during and after radiation treatment (breast cancer). It worked for my friend and it sure did work for me too. The radiotherapy technicians, nurses and 2 oncology physiotherapists all commented on how great my skin was handling the treatment. Particularly as I have very sensitive skin, prone to rashes and redness. I used this balm twice a day throughout therapy and the only area I’ve had a problem was under my arm where I thought the beam wasn’t going (TIP - please get the technicians to show you exactly where the treatment area is). This product only contains pure organic products, with no fillers. It is worth every cent and a little bit spreads a long way.
We are so happy to hear that the SOS Balm helped your skin on your cancer journey Katherine ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing this with us and we hope you are on your way to recovery.
Much love,
The Clémence Team
Great product, quick postage
Thank you for your lovely review Anne ❤️
x The Clémence Team
The SOS balm is a great tonic for dry and stressed hands - it was exactly what I needed...and as it turns out, so did my husband! Thanks Clemence!
Thnak you Jo for your lovely 5 star review.
We are so happy to hear how much not only you but your husbands hands love the SOS balm 🙌
x The Clémence Team
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つまり、オーストラリア国内にお住まいの場合は、ご注文から 2 ~ 3 営業日以内に Clémence Organics の美しい贅沢を体験できることになります。シドニー都市圏にお住まいの場合はさらに早くなります。