Australia’s only Naturopathically Formulated and Certified Organic Skincare

A woman sitting at an office table holding a Clémence Organics product.

One Percent for the Planet

When I founded Clémence Organics, I was determined to create a brand that not only promotes personal health but also supports the health of our planet.

That’s why we are proud members of 1% for the Planet, a global movement that ensures businesses like ours contribute at least 1% of their annual sales, not profits, to approved environmental nonprofits.

Through this partnership, we are committed to making a genuine impact by actively supporting a range of causes dedicated to protecting and preserving our natural world. Every time you choose Clémence Organics, you’re helping to create a healthier future for both people and the planet, with over 1% of our sales each year going directly to certified environmental charities.

Thanks to you, here is who and what we were able to donate to in 2023/24:

Save the Children
Amount donated: $4500

The Hunger Project
Amount donated: $3000

Oz Harvest
Amount donated: $3000

World Vision
Amount donated: $1056

The following text overlaying an image of an ocean wave '1% for the Planet. All together for the planet'.

Did you know?

A hand holding the Clémence Organics 'Refining Cleanser' product, over three pink Gerberas.

Each ton of recycled paper saves an estimated 17 trees. All of our paper packaging is made from 100% recycled paper.

Around one third of landfill space is taken up with packaging materials. We ship with packaging that is either kerbside recyclable or compostable.

Recycling a single aluminium can could power a television for 3 hours. Our main packaging material is easy to recycle aluminium.

It is estimated that around 75% of all the aluminium ever produced is still in use today. This includes the aluminium we use for our packaging!

Multi-material plastic packaging is among the most difficult types of waste to recycle. We aim to use as little plastic as possible in our packaging and are continually working to further minimise our use of plastic.

For help with how you can best implement your recycling program at home, please reference the following guide - Recycling 101 in Australia