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オーストラリア初の ACO COSMOS 認定の化粧品用美白セラムで肌の美しさを実感してください。
アロエバルバデンシス(アロエベラ)葉汁*、シトラスリモン(レモン)果実水*、ペンチレングリコール、グリセリン*、マデカソシド、ベリスペレニス(デイジー)花エキス*、ヒエラシウムピロセラ(ヤナギ)エキス*、クルクマロンガ(ウコン)根エキス*、アルクトステイフロス・ウバ・ウルシ(クマコケモモ)葉エキス*、パルミチン酸アスコルビル、オリーブ酸ソルビタン、オリーブ酸セテアリル、リゾレシチン、菌核ガム、キサンタンガム*、プルラン、ヒアルロン酸、ロイコノストック/ダイコン根発酵濾液*、レブリン酸ナトリウム、アニス酸ナトリウム、フィチン酸ナトリウム、クエン酸 ※オーガニック認証成分(オーガニック認証成分73.7%、天然成分100%)
返金 (送料を除く) または商品の交換を受けるには:
BNat、BHSc Hons
2 年間のサンプリングと完成度を経て、化学者と私は最終的に、実際に効果があり、 ACO COSMOS 認証を取得できる有効成分をできるだけ多く含む配合に落ち着きました。
ブライトニング アイ + スキン セラムがどのように肌の美しさを高めるのかを詳しくご覧ください。
I have olive skin that tans easily. I’m 50 and have lots of sun damage from growing up on the beach in Queensland. I was surprised how quickly this product has reduced the appearance of pigmentation on my face. It’s not an eraser so it’s not all gone but it’s definitely lighter. I feel so much better about my skin, which is the aim! It’s such great value. Imagine how much it would cost to treat pigmentation at a skin clinic! Well done Clemence.
Thank you for taking the time to leave such a wonderful review for our Brightening Eye + Skin Serum. We are thrilled to hear that it has been effective in reducing the appearance of pigmentation on your skin. We understand the struggle of dealing with sun damage and are so happy that our product has made a difference for you. We pride ourselves on providing great value and are glad that you have noticed that as well. We will pass along your kind words to our team. Thank you for choosing Clemence! Keep glowing!
x The Clémence Team
Absolutely love this product
Thank you for your review of our Brightening Eye + Skin Serum. We're thrilled to hear that you absolutely love it! It's always great to receive positive feedback from our customers. If you have any questions or need any assistance with the product, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help. Thanks again!
x The Clémence Team
Hey Bridget, I’ve been using the Brightening Eye + Skin Serum and the Ultimate Biome Spritz, taking progress images over the last couple months - wild results!!! The last one isn’t even the brightest image, it has the least light. So good to see how the products helped my pregnancy melasma!
Thank you so much for sharing your incredible experience with us. We are thrilled to hear that our Brightening Eye + Skin Serum and Ultimate Biome Spritz have helped with your pregnancy melasma. Our goal is to provide effective and natural solutions for our customers. Keep glowing! 🙂
x The Clémence Team
Very impressed with all of my skin products. My face looks and feels fresh and clear
Hi Sharon,
Thank you so much for your wonderful review.
x The Clémence Team
Love this product!
Thank you Cherie for your lovely 5 star review 🙌
x The Clémence Team
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つまり、オーストラリア国内にお住まいの場合は、ご注文から 2 ~ 3 営業日以内に Clémence Organics の美しい贅沢を体験できることになります。シドニー都市圏にお住まいの場合はさらに早くなります。