10月 02、2024
Perimenopause. It’s something I didn’t expect myself to be talking about, yet here I am at the ripe old/young age of 43. It actually started at 42 but I was in denial for a while. Telling myself things like “I’m too young”. “My mum didn’t go through menopause until 50 and so I don’t need to worry about anything until then”. But that’s menopause, not perimenopause. No one talks about perimenopause.
Did you know that perimenopause can start as early as your 30s, but for most women its somewhere between 40 and 45? Symptoms can be extremely variable and include anything from a shortening or lengthening of the menstrual cycle, anxiety, loss of confidence, depression, hot flushes, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, and many more. It’s not easy to talk about, but the more I do, the more I realise other women my age are in a similar situation.
Basically our hormone levels start to fall, particularly oestrogen and progesterone, and our body undergoes a whole raft of changes. Skin is not left out of this upheaval.
The most significant change in skin caused by reduced hormone levels is dryness and I can confirm this. My skin has never felt so thirsty! Thankfully the Clemence range includes some extremely hydrating products and so I can deal with this one. My skincare recommendations for dry skin in perimenopause/menopause can be found here.
Another significant effect is a decrease in collagen production. This affects both elasticity and skin thickness. Vitamin D is also harder to produce which has a flow-on effect to the skin, influencing both immunity and skin repair/ageing.
To support the skin during this time, the best approach is through a combination of internal and external recommendations.
Internal recommendations:
External recommendations:
If you feel that there are changes happening in your body and you don’t quite feel yourself, please make sure you talk to your Naturopath and/or Doctor. Don’t just put up with it. Start that conversation and move yourself towards feeling good again.
I hope this information is helpful.
9月 03、2024
方法は次のとおりです:ステップ 1 - スキンケアを「春のクリーン」にします
美容室のキャビネットを調べて、過去 12 か月間使用しなかったもの、またはあまり使用されていないものを処分します。
8月 16、2024
I really love our eye creme, especially after a sleep-less night. As I enter my 40s I have found that it is now an essential part of my skincare regime and I love what it does for my eyes.
If you are new to eye creams, you may be wondering whether or not you need one and whether it will help you. Well, I’m here to answer your queries and give you all the info you need on eye creams. Here’s just a few of the questions we’ve received lately and our feedback.